Announcement : 

Out of Zone Enrolments are now open.  Please see:

School Zone

Our zone is inclusive of the following streets.

Allen Johnston Place
Allum Street (No. 47 and greater, No. 62 and greater)
Archdall Street
Ashwell Street
Athol Place
Beere Place
Berowald Place
Charles Fox Place
Cheeseman Place
Cheverton Place
Coldham Crescent
College Road
Colonel Barton Glade
Cruickshank Crescent
Donnelley Street
Dorchester Street
Edison Place
Gerard Way (even numbers only)
Glen Atkinson Street
Godfrey Place
Gowing Drive
Grampian Road
Greenbank Drive
Hampton Drive
Harry Human Heights
Harvey Place
Hawkins Street
Hoani Glade
Hobday Place
Hopkins Crescent
Houghton Street
Ipswich Place
Isherwood Place
John Rymer Place
Kempthorne Crescent
Kepa Road (224 and greater, 237 and greater)
Keretene Place
Kirkmay Place
Kissling Place
Kohimarama Road (182 and greater, 197 and greater)
Lawndale Place
Maaka Place
Norman Lesser Drive
Pamela Place
Panapa Drive
Peart View
Prebble Place
Pyatt Crescent
Ripon Crescent
Ruka Lane
Rutherford Terrace
St Heliers Bay Road (300 and greater, 289 and greater)
St Johns Road (114 and greater, 101 and greater)
Southern Cross Road
Sprott Road (37 and lower, 50 and lower)
Steele Street
Taitokerau Way
Tarawera Terrace (52 and greater, 35 and greater)
Thatcher Street
Tipene Place
Truman Street
Waikato Place
Whytehead Crescent
William Fraser Crescent
Winstone Place
Worcester Road
Worley Place

Where there is an overlap of St Thomas’s School’s geographic zone by any other school, the children within the overlapped area have ” As of right enrolment” at St Thomas’s School.